GoldFinX News
Our COO Francois Dumont in the Ivory Coast
Since the beginning of the year, Francois Dumont has been
installed in our offices in the Ivory Coast and visiting many
potential gold mining sites. Covid has certainly played a factor
in our ability to execute our business model, but there are many
roads that lead to Rome.
Here are some of the ways we have remained productive in the
last year:
- We were able to regulate all of the permits with new mining
rules coming into effect
- Thoroughly training personnel
- Testing and experimental production on all existing and
potential sites
By preparing the path to expand quickly, we expect to have
caught up to our original gold production projections by Q1
Potential partnerships with high-end gold buyers are being
negotiated as entities get increasingly comfortable with our
TruOrigin supply-chain management system. TruOrigin is
irrevocably demonstrating the true origin of the gold and
therefore allowing the buyer to use the Green Gold label on the
gold they acquire in their supply-chain because of GFX
conformity to formalized and legal regulations.
GiX Updates:
Many of you have been anxiously waiting for news on the GiX
coin. This year has presented some challenges that have us
working around the clock to resolve. Next month we'll have some
exciting news to share. Stay tuned!