November 2022
GoldFinX has some great partners in the Ivory Coast. We can’t wait to see our future with Bii Côte d’Ivoire.From left to right: COO Francois Dumont, Julia Venn Co-founder Bii, and Rose Imelda Koffi

November 2022
We keep on getting great partners in the Ivory Coast. This time it’s with Prokids Côte d'Ivoire. 2023 looks like it will be an excellent year for our foundation.
June 2022
Congrats to our longtime friend/caddy on winning the Junior Ivory Coast Open this year, proudly wearing the sponsorship of GoldFinX.Location: Yamoussoukro. Ivory Coast

June 2022
Our team overlooking one of the trenches on our sites. We analyze the area for the concentration of gold embedded in the quartz/rock.
July 2022
Sometimes things don’t go as planned and equipment breaks down. Our team is always ready to react quickly to any unplanned events!
July 2022
Even though our team makes it look easy, there’s a lot of hard work when you’re onsite!July 2022
Our team is always looking for the very best spots to mine gold. Here we find COO Francois Dumont with our Gold Machine.
January 2023
Here’s to a banner year in 2023. The more GoldFinX can succeed, the more goodness our Heart of Mine Foundation can do.
December 2022
An incredible event was held this Christmas, organized by our partners Bii Ivory Coast. We were honoured to be there to help out and feed over 2000 kids from the local communities.
December 2022
We think our COO Francois Dumont makes a darn good Santa Claus!
August 2022
We have access to all kinds of data to properly evaluate every site we choose. In this case, some drillings came in where we can analyze the results.
August 2022
We’re constantly experimenting with temperatures and formats to effectively and efficiently produce the best Doré bars
November 2021
GoldFinX was with our partner, Sanctum, at the AIBC Malta Conference.Picture (from left to right): Surya Maneesh, Tony Suber, Rico Pang, Sintija Rimsa, Philippe Bednarek, Dereck Hoogenkamp, and Amyn Chagan.

November 2021
CEO Philippe Bednarek on a lively panel discussion about ESG Investing. Joining him were Liesbeth Oost, a Lead Product Manager from NASDAQ, and Simon Wrightson, Director at GreenUp Malta.Location: AIBC Convention in Malta

October 2021
COO Francois Dumont was in the Ivory Coast and had an attentive audience surrounding him. This will surely be one of GoldFinX’s iconic pictures!
September 2021
Philippe Bednarek visiting Sanctum’s office in Dubai. Surya Maneesh welcomed our CEO for a time of brainstorming and strategic planning.
September 2021
CEO Philippe Bednarek and Chief Strategy Officer Rico Pang recorded a series of videos for GoldFinX. Apparently, they had a really good time!
July 2021
CEO Rico Pang of Sanctum and Philippe Bednarek sharing a drink in Dubai. We're traveling again and preparing for a strong finish to 2021!
October 2020
Has it been 6 months already since Coronavirus hit the world hard? Let's keep respecting each other and do the right thing. Put on those masks and let's keep moving forward!
September 2020
This is just the start of the equipment that is being purchased for all our mining concessions in the Ivory Coast. Stay tuned for more news!
September 2020
Minimal alterations are made to the landscape. Enough work is done to ensure the safety of everyone in the community.
September 2020
Is that our COO Francois Dumont back in the Ivory Coast? Yes, it is! Our objectives this year are still on track!
September 2020
Help us change the artisanal mining world. By doing so, you'll be helping yourself as well.
September 2020
A small effort can create a major impact when it comes to improving the working conditions of artisanal gold miners. Make a difference, become a GoldFinX Ambassador today: https://goldfinx.com/ambassador/
July 2020
Coronavirus has not changed the essential message of GFX: We only got one earth to live on. Let’s take care of it.
June 2020
Keep looking our way, big news is coming in the next couple of months.
May 2020
Investing in gold mines before GoldFinX? You basically needed to be a pirate.
Paris, May 7th, 2020
Today was a big day for GoldFinX as we listed GiX on Coinsbit. This is just the beginning.
Canada, March 2020
Our team is always eager to talk to the locals
Canada, March 2020
Francois getting a head start on the gold mining by going old school: panning your way to riches!
Canada, March 2020
Working in Canada requires lots of patience as there is lots of snow accumulation during the winter months. We're looking forward to starting as soon as the snow melts away!
Canada, March 2020
A long session going through the historical background of the potential new mine that dates back to the late 1800’s. Surprisingly, there is very detailed information kept on where manual discoveries and gold extraction has occurred in the area. The current owner has tested a few locations with great success. Very rich fields are present throughout the new property we are looking at.
Canada, March 2020
Francois Dumont and Alain Berclaz in knee deep of snow to find the best mines for GoldFinX's portfolio
Canada, March 2020
Visiting one of the several potential gold mines. Take special note of the rivers and their beautiful tints of color coming from the glaciers.
Canada, March 2020
There are several concessions sitting along the Gold Rush Trail that follows the Fraser River to northern British Colombia. Gold is not the only treasure found on the trail. The rich history of civilizations, diverse cultures, languages and traditions that came before us also comes to life along the way. It is an area that has produced some of the largest recorded gold nuggets.
Canada, March 2020
When you plan to work in the forests of Canada, grizzly bears are a real danger! Although it is illegal to shoot them, if you have to you better not miss, otherwise it won’t be as forgiving to you!
Toronto, Canada March 2020
There was no one like GoldFinX at the PDAC, and we quickly became the must-see booth at the conference!
Toronto, Canada March 2020
CMO Gonzalo Gandia in front of some of the new mining and exploration technologies on display at the PDAC
Toronto, Canada March 2020
CIO Amyn Chagan and CCO Adam Boulel representing GoldFinX at the stand during the PDAC conference
Toronto, Canada March 2020
Some of the best food trucks are in Toronto, and Francois and Philippe are having a quick lunch with some of the city's best hot dogs!
Toronto, Canada March 2020
CEO Philippe Bednarek and COO Francois Dumont looking over the promising list of contacts being made at the PDAC.
Toronto, Canada March 2020
GoldFinX was at the world's most important mining conference, PDAC, and came away with many potential future partners and suppliers. The team from left to right: Adam Boulel, Francois Dumont, Philippe Bednarek, Amyn Chagan, and Gonzalo Gandia
Tanzania February 2020
Tanzania is a beautiful country with a lot of potential for GoldFinX. We look forward to leaving a positive footprint in the local communities and to work together for a better future for all of us.
Tanzania February 2020
Most of the time, Artisanal mining looks the same all over the world. The best mines are those situated near naturally running water.
Tanzania February 2020
The team gets to meet some of the most wonderful people along the way as they visit each potential gold mine site
Tanzania February 2020
Some of the everyday images as the team makes its way to the different mining sites
Ivory Coast February 2020
Our Infrastructure Operations Manager Richard Daniel is preparing for a big year in the Ivory Coast
Paris February 2020
A magical night in Paris with Aurifex CFO Gilles Tremblay
Paris February 2020
Francois Dumont and Gonzalo Gandia entertaining Aurifex CFO Gilles Tremblay and his enchanting wife, Maryse. The future is bright for the Gold mines in the Ivory Coast!
Paris Office February 2020
COO Francois Dumont and GoldFinX Mining Advisor Alain Berclaz with Chief Marketing Officer Gonzalo Gandia in the Paris office. Francois and Alain are off to Tanzania to potentially sign a new mine!
Coinsbit - Hong Kong January 2020
Philippe Bednarek and Coinsbit Founder Nikolai Udianskyi discussing the promising future together.
Chain2020 Hong Kong January 2020
Philippe front and center in an informative panel discussion
Chain2020 Hong Kong January 2020
The event was as colorful as it was beautifully orchestrated
Chain2020 Hong Kong January 2020
It's good that we are having discussions about important issues, but here at GoldFinX, we know action is the way forward. This will be an incredible year!
Chain2020 Hong Kong January 2020
GoldFinX is humbled to be part of such wonderful events
Chain2020 Hong Kong January 2020
The event was wonderfully organized
Ivory Coast January 2020
Richard Daniel showing some of the samples from the initial gold processing
WebSummit Portugal November 2019
View of the incredible stage
Best Community Award August 2019
Chris Ponniah accepts the Best Community Award from Bloconomic Expo
Richard Daniel August 2019
CEO Philippe Bednarek going over the details of the Ivory Coast deal with Infrastructure Operations Manager Richard Daniel
Ivory Coast July 2019
Francois Dumont speaking with the elders of the community
Ivory Coast July 2019
These meetings with community elders are extremely important
Ivory Coast July 2019
Nothing gets done without the blessing of the Elders in the community
Ivory Coast July 2019
These pieces of low-tech equipment can break down at any time
Ivory Coast July 2019
These hard workers take a picture break. The river behind them is the key to the implementation of the high-tech equipment being brought in by GoldFinX
Ivory Coast July 2019
Surveying the land in the Ivory Coast that will be producing 10-20 kgs of gold per month by April/Month
Ivory Coast July 2019
Francois Dumont finding out how hard it is to work artisanal-style
Ivory Coast July 2019
Unadvised risks are taken constantly in artisanal mining. GoldFinX looks to change that for this community.
Ivory Coast July 2019
Although this is better than most artisanal mining sites, it is extremely inefficient
Ivory Coast July 2019
Everyone is always grateful for every bit of gold that comes out of the ground!
Ivory Coast July 2019
A lot of hard work for a little bit of gold
Ivory Coast July 2019
Endless amount of trenches in the ground all over the area
Ivory Coast July 2019
The rudimentary equipment used in small-gold mining is at the same time both shockingly rudimentary and astonishingly pragmatic...unfortunately, often to the detriment to the people using them
Ivory Coast July 2019
Gold retrieved through the use of Mercury
Ivory Coast July 2019
There's a lot of hard work put into artisanal mining
Ivory Coast July 2019
Working in these holes filled with water is a common part of life
Malaysia June 2019
Atlas Group of Companies is what gave GoldFinX life
Malaysia June 2019
CEO Philippe Bednarek giving a message everyone needs to hear
Malaysia June 2019
How to Invest in Gold
Malaysia June 2019
A room of over 2000 people waiting to hear the GoldFinX message
Malaysia June 2019
CEO Philippe Bednarek
Malaysia June 2019
A room of over 2000 people waiting to hear the GoldFinX message
Malaysia June 2019
Chief Community Officer Adam Boulel
Malaysia June 2019
Meeting the gracious hosts of the event in Malaysia
Aurifex Contract Signing June 2019
Gonzalo Gandia with Aurifex CEO Mathias DeKouassi
Aurifex Contract Signing June 2019
Gonzalo Gandia and Gilles Tremblay signing the Aurifex contract for gold mines in Ivory Coast
Hong Kong May 2019
Setting up an evening with investors
Hong Kong May 2019
COO Francois Dumont
Hong Kong May 2019
Speaking Award COO Francois Dumont
Singapore Conference May 2019
CIO Amyn Chagan giving a speech in front of hundreds of enthusiastic people
Singapore Conference May 2019
GoldFinX continues to spread its message throughout Asia
Hong Kong May 2019
CEO Philippe Bednarek
Bloconomic Expo Malaysia April 2019
CIO Amyn Chagan
Bloconomic Expo Malaysia April 2019
COO Francois Dumont
Bloconomic Expo Malaysia April 2019
"This is the opportunity of a lifetime!"
Bloconomic Expo Malaysia April 2019
CEO Philippe Bednarek
Bloconomic Expo Malaysia April 2019
COO Francois Dumont
Bloconomic Expo Malaysia April 2019
The GoldFinX Sustainability Cycle
Bloconomic Expo Malaysia April 2019
The team posing in front of the GoldFinX logo
World Blockchain STO Summit April 2019 Dubai
President Jean-Michel Alfieri and CEO Philippe Bednarek
World Blockchain STO Summit April 2019 Dubai
Gulf Xellence Award
World Blockchain STO Summit April 2019 Dubai
GoldFinX was a Gold Sponsor of the event
Blockchain Summit February 2019
Francois Dumont giving an impassioned speech in Turkey
Blockchain Summit February 2019
COO Francois Dumont on-stage